As the main instructor:
- LING 449 Questions: meaning, use, learning (Fall 2020)
- This seminar for senior undergraduates at University of Maryland, where we discussed different semantic theories of questions, the role of questions in conversations, and how children might learn to identify questions from their input
- Due to COVID19, the class was moved online
- Here is my syllabus
- Feel free to contact me for course materials/my experience with online teaching!
As TA:
- LING 444 Language Acquisition (Spring 2021, Instructor: Jeffery Lidz)
- PHIL 360/LING 350 Phillosophy of Language (Spring 2020, Instructor: Alexander Williams)
- LING 200 Introduction to Linguistics (Spring 2019, Instructor: Peggy Antonisse)
- LING 200 Introduction to Linguistics (Fall 2019, Instructor: Tonia Bleam)