Are you asking me or telling me? Learning clause types and speech acts in English and Mandarin [paper]
Are you asking me or telling me? Learning to identify questions in early speech to children In Proceedings of Linguistics Society of America 2022 [slides]
An Experimental Study of the Presupposed Exhaustivity of Mandarin shi Clefts Modern Foreign Languages [paper]
Do children know whanything? Acquisition of wh-ambiguity in Mandarin In Proceedings of West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 2020. [slides]
To Exhaust or not to exhaust: An experimental study on Mandarin shi-cleft In Proceedings of Glow-in-Asia [paper]
Acquisition of exhaustivity: Evidence from Mandarin In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47) [poster]
Exhaustivity in Mandarin shi... (de) clefts: Experimental Evidence In Proceedings of ESSLLI student session [slides]